Best Way To Use Almonds To Lose Belly Fat

almonds for weight loss, how to use almonds for weight loss, burn belly fat, how to lose weight fast, how to Get Rid of Abdominal Fat Fast,

Almonds for Weight Loss & Burn Belly Fat

Almonds: Nutritious Value & Weight Loss Benefits

One of the superfoods that fight obesity are almonds. Almonds are high in fats- the good fats. How do almonds then reduce belly fat? It is because they are also a powerhouse of essential nutrients like magnesium, protein, Vitamin E and fiber! When you have enough good protein, you develop lean muscle mass which in turn helps you burn fat. Fibers are good not only for digestion but also to give you the feeling of fullness which stops you from overeating. 

The monounsaturated fats or the good fats in almonds not only help in losing weight but also in reducing Body Mass Index (BMI). This has been established by a study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders. This food has many other advantages apart from a miracle for reducing obesity. It is also good for heart diseases and diabetes as it not only reduces bad cholesterol in arteries but also stabilizes blood sugar. 

So, without any worry, you can have almonds daily. But remember, an excess of anything is bad. Have a handful of them, 10-20 almonds per day, not more than that! And yes, do not have the fried or sugar coated ones, have plain or at the most, roasted almonds.

How To Use Almonds for Weight Loss:

  • Soak 6-8 almond in water overnight. Have them first thing in the morning. However, if you are having a lemon water first thing in the morning, wait for about 30-40 minutes before having soaked almonds.
  • Add almonds in your morning breakfast. Add them to your salad, fruit mix, porridge or even to your breakfast cereal combined with milk!
  • Snack on almonds when feeling hungry.
  • Use them in salads, stir fries etc.